Strange Fruits is a groundbreaking group show featuring African-descent artists paying tribute to Purvis Young. It explores contemporary portraiture, recycled art, installation, and sculpture. Mbida, Kialeuka, Diarra, Tsimba, and Washington unite for the first time, presenting new works in dialogue with Miami’s street art pioneer. Building on Purvis Young’s foundational paintings, the exhibit delves into tradition, history, and black identity, while also pushing boundaries in social expressionism and re-Animism. Like a collection of unique fruits, these artists celebrate Miami’s diverse art scene and its global significance.
Featuring: Purvis Young, Cullen Washington Jr., Wilfried Mbida, Freddy Tsimba, Bayunga Kialeuka, and Carrington Ware.
Curated by Klaus Pas (Kloser Contemporary).
Opening Reception and Art-Talk
Wed, Dec. 6, 6 p.m.-10 p.m.
Admission $10
Amadlozi Gallery Mon-Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
(Call For Appointments On Weekends)